~ Terms and Conditions


The Dance Centre has the right to refuse an application.
Fees are payable no later than the last day of each term for the following term’s payment. Late fees incur a £30 administrative penalty fee.

Half a term’s notice MUST be given if a student intends to leave The Dance Centre or half a term’s fees must be paid in lieu of the notice.
Fees are non-refundable if a students leaves during the term or is absent for any reason The Dance Centre reserves the right to alter the curriculum arrangements and staffing without notice should the need arise.

You must inform us of any specific information which is not included on the Application Form, but which applies to your child. We regret that any child arriving with a serious medical condition not previously reported, or which requires regular staff supervision, may not be allowed to attend class.

The Dance Centre accepts students on the assumption that they are in good health. No responsibility will be taken for any accident or injury sustained to students on the school p[remises or outside the premises during lessons, rehearsals or performances.
The Dance Centre does not accept responsibility for loss of monies, clothing, personal effects or properties of any kind from the premises above referred to.

All students are expected to conduct themselves sensibly during all classes, showing self- discipline and respect towards others at all times.
Students who damage company equipment or property through misuse or reckless behaviour will be held liable for any costs of repair or replacement.

The Performing Arts are by their nature, reliant upon strict discipline and awareness of others. Students who consistently fail to reach the required standard of behaviour during classes seriously affect the progress and enjoyment of other students and will therefore be excluded from all Dance Centre activities. In this instance fees will not be refunded. We also have a ZERO tolerance on any form of Bullying.

Students are required to wear full Dance Centre uniform during classes, rehearsals and at times, during performance.
Photographs / video taken during the term and at performances / concerts may be used for our own publicity, including publishing on the web and social media. If you have concerns about your child being photographed or videoed during their time with The Dance Centre then please phone the office BEFORE term commences.

Personal information collected from you is subject to our Privacy Policy.